If you’ve been following Paradise Real Estate over the years, or are a past client, you may have noticed some changes to our company in the past 5 years.
In 2017 the original owner of Paradise Real Estate, Dan Spano, asked another local agent to join up with him. That other agent was me, Amanda Adams. Dan and I made a great team, each of us had unique skill sets and we both had a customer care and ethical focus to our work.
Then in 2020 it was time for Dan to step aside as owner and Amanda took over the company. We all know what happened in March of 2020… COVID. And the pandemic definitely made me rethink workflows and processes and try to find new ways to keep Paradise Real Estate active and allow it to excel with the changing market.
As times and the real estate business changed, it was time to change Paradise Real Estate as well. Over 2 decades I had gained friendships and knowledge that I wanted to put to use to benefit my clients. But when Dan left the company, I realized the sales portion of what real estate agents do wasn’t really my main skill set.

Don’t get me wrong, I was an awesome agent and most of my past clients came back to me and/or referred their friends and family to me. I was always honored by that. But I never considered myself a sales agent. Instead I considered myself a “customer care” person. I used my knowledge and experience to benefit my clients and assist them in purchasing/selling their Tahoe properties.
So how to fill that gap. If I am better at the knowledge and behind the scenes stuff, who would take over as the sales agent?
Well, why just settle with one or two other agents? Instead, why not leverage my decades long friendships with multiple agents in the Tahoe and Carson Valley areas? I could then play “match-maker” and link up buyers/sellers with the right agent who would work best for that specific client.
And I don’t just link up people with my agent friends because they are nice and I like them. I can pick from the following agents at multiple brokerages to make sure the client gets matched with the right one.
- The consistent TOP PRODUCING sales agent team in South Lake Tahoe
- Easy going agent who is great at hand holding for first time homebuyers
- 20 year experienced agent who excels at negotiations
- Go-getter who jumped into local community work and has that “new agent” energy
- Top producing agent who specializes in new construction & is a hard core salesman
- … and others.
All you have to do is CONTACT ME and let me know what your needs are, and I’ll match you with the perfect agent for you.
With this shift, you may see some changes to our monthly newsletter and blogs. I’ll also be modifying the website over the next few months. I am by no means fading into the background though.
Even with these changes, I’m still here for you all and want to assist you with any of your Tahoe real estate needs. And if you don’t know much about me as a person or agent, check out my ABOUT ME page to learn why I had so many repeat clients and the respect of my peers.